



719 – Yellow Beam – Acrylic on paper – 54 x 44 cm
719 – Yellow Beam – Acrylic on paper – 54 x 44 cm

Working for Peace

During the difficult times we are going through today, if we want things to change, it is necessary that those who want peace do something so that peace can manifest. If we want the forces of light to prevail over those of darkness, we have to create light. Darkness cannot exist in light. If two rooms adjoin, one room completely dark and the other brilliantly illuminated, and one opens the door, light enters into the dark room; but the illuminated room is not darkened by the presence of the dark room. Of course, if the dark room is very big and the door quite small, there will still be some shade, especially in the corners away from the door. It would also be necessary to open shutters or light lamps, so that the dark room could become as clear as the other. 

Our world is covered with large areas of darkness. These clouds of darkness are caused by the ignorance and condi­tioning of a great many people. This darkness is also the shadows of fear and other negative emotions that are fuelled by ignorance and conditioning. Those who want to keep the world in darkness – to be able to continue to exploit it and to control it for their personal profit – use the structures of society to manipulate people: the media to keep them in ignorance of the truth; education, medicine and commerce to condition them to accept their lot in life; and war and terrorism to maintain them in fear.

Every ray of light that we send to the world, however, will dissipate a little of this enormous infrastructure of darkness, until it disappears completely. Light is created by our heart, by the strength of love. Love acts on fear and on all other negative emotions that ensue from it: resentment, violence, hatred, frustration, despair, sadness… Love dissolves them and makes them disappear.

To create light in our heart, let’s sit in a quiet place, close our eyes and breathe three or four times deeply. Let’s invoke cosmic energy, divine light, the life force. It is present every­where, in huge abundance, ready to be drawn on by all those who want to radiate light. Let’s visualise this energy like a ray of light coming down from the sky and entering our body at the top of our head. Let’s allow this light to fill our whole body. Then let’s focus on our heart. Let’s concentrate the light in our heart, until we feel a strong heat, like a large incandescent light ball. This is the power of love that is filling our heart.

We are ready now to send light to all the dark areas of the planet. Let’s visualise rays of light leaving from our heart and spreading in all directions: To all places that need love and light. To the countries at war. To the people suffering from poverty and famine. To our political leaders, so that they open their heart to love, compassion and respect for all inhabitants of the planet. To all men and women who are conditioned, manipulated, terrorised – and who live in stress, anxiety, despair, suffering – in order to awaken them to their true nature and to remind them of the beauties and joys of life.

Let’s try to constantly maintain the light and the heat of love in our heart. This is a good method of preserving our inner peace, of maintaining good health, increasing longevity and even of starting a process of rejuvenation. And every time we are in contact with other people, let’s send them big rays of light, peace and love. Let’s send light to the people we meet in the street, to those we are talking to on the phone; let’s put a ray of light in our letters and in our emails. We will see that the more we send light, the more the source of love in our heart becomes hot and abundant. It is inex­haustible. Let’s teach this simple technique to those around us, because the more people who practice it, the more quickly darkness will disappear from our planet.



Painting and text by Pierre Wittmann

Working for Peace is a chapter of A Guide to Happiness for the Third Millennium

Pierre’s website: https://pierre-wittmann-en.simdif.com

A Guide to Happiness Free Download


Created by Pierre Wittmann